Saturday, January 16, 2010

Extended 12 Element Chart

Written by Mysst:

Ok...the Counsel elements have taken me a while to find the order to...but I think I found it. It's changed slightly and grew much more since Gwen saw it.

Each core shares a piece of another core...possibly 2 with the way my chart worked out. This piece that is shared would allow that Counselor to pass on a different core to it's rightful heir...I believe this is to aid us in cases when Old Counselors refuse to find their replacement.. Unfortunately this is were Gwen and I may have a disagreement as the only shared piece I found that corresponds to her list is Air and Time. I've felt a part of Time within James while he was here, but since Gwen's passed on what she was supposed to I've yet to feel a piece of Darkness with the core but yet I can feel Space and Air which is what brought me to the conclusion that each counselor shares about 1/12 of it's core with at least 1 if not 2 which I ordered as 1st and 2nd.

Compliments are also the consorts, but in cases where an Element Core changes gender as with Fire and Water the new consort would be the Compliment's opposite. And from my understanding, the consort isn't always the Counselor's lover but these two would be rather close.

We can all use each others core stream in some way shape or form but we are better with those that are directly 'linked' to us being our Triplicities, Opposite, Compliment, Triplicity Opposites.

It made alot of sence while I was working on it and I just made up charts on a grid...they seem a little easier to understand that way and also compairing them with the Star, which is why I posted the picture here as well. Perhaps understanding how the counselors relate to one another will be helpful to bring us to a more harmonized state.


I am offering the tools for a better understanding that can help bring unity and power to back up each other as a family like we are to be.

Anyways...on to the very long chart so you can see how they are grouped and also how each counselor is connected to the other.

Element core: Earth
Base element: Earth
Color: Green
Stones: Emerald, Aventurine
Zodiac: Capricorn
Planet: Saturn
Triplicities: Love, Darkness
Opposite: Fire
Shared Piece/Triplicity opposites: Light, Hate
Complimant: Water
Compliment Opposite: Air
Directional (as marked out when drawing a woven 12 point star): right-Time, left-Chaos
Directional Opposite (Neighbors/sit on either side of the Counselor): right-Tranquility, left-Space

Element core: Air
Base element: Air
Color: Yellow
Stones: Topaz, citrine
Zodiac: Libra
Planet: Mercury
Triplicities: Chaos, Space
Opposite: Water
Shared Piece/Triplicity opposites: Time, Tranquility
Complimant: Fire
Compliment Opposite: Water
Directional (as marked out when drawing a woven 12 point star): right-Darkness, left-Hate
Directional Opposite (Neighbors/sit on either side of the Counselor): right-Love, left-Hate

Element core: Fire
Base element: Fire
Color: Red
Stones: Ruby, Red jasper
Zodiac: Aries
Planet: Mars
Triplicities: Hate, Light
Opposite: Earth
Shared Piece/Triplicity opposites: Love, Darkness
Complimant: Air
Compliment Opposite: Water
Directional (as marked out when drawing a woven 12 point star): right-Space, left-Tranquility
Directional Opposite (Neighbors/sit on either side of the Counselor): right-Chaos, left-Time

Element core: Water
Base element: Water
Color: Blue
Stones: Sapphire, Sodalite
Zodiac: Cancer
Planet: Moon
Triplicities: Tranquility, Time
Opposite: Air
Shared Piece/Triplicity opposites: Chaos, Space
Complimant: Earth
Compliment Opposite: Fire
Directional (as marked out when drawing a woven 12 point star): right-Light, left-Love
Directional Opposite (Neighbors/sit on either side of the Counselor): right-Hate, left-Darkness

Element core: Tranquility
Base element: Water
Color: Pale Blue
Stones: Flourite, Turquiose
Zodiac: Pisces
Planet: Neptune
Triplicities: Time, Water
Opposite: Chaos
Shared Piece/Triplicity opposites: Space, Air
Complimant: Love
Compliment Opposite: Hate
Directional (as marked out when drawing a woven 12 point star): right-Fire, left-Darkness
Directional Opposite (Neighbors/sit on either side of the Counselor): right-Light, left-Earth

Element core: Chaos
Base element: Air
Color: Grey
Stones: Ritulated Quartz, Tourmulated Quartz
Zodiac: Gemini
Planet: Mercury
Triplicities: Space, Air
Opposite: Tranquility
Shared Piece/Triplicity opposites: Water, Time
Complimant: Hate
Compliment Opposite: Love
Directional (as marked out when drawing a woven 12 point star): right-Earth, left-Light
Directional Opposite (Neighbors/sit on either side of the Counselor): right-Darkness, left-Fire

Element core: Love
Base element: Earth
Color: Pink
Stones: Rose Quartz, Unakite
Zodiac: Virgo
Planet: Venus
Triplicities: Darkness, Earth
Opposite: Hate
Shared Piece/Triplicity opposites: Fire, Light
Complimant: Tranquility
Compliment Opposite: Chaos
Directional (as marked out when drawing a woven 12 point star): right-Water, left-Space
Directional Opposite (Neighbors/sit on either side of the Counselor): right-Time, left-Air

Element core: Hate
Base element: Fire
Color: Crimson
Stones: Iron, Flint
Zodiac: Saggitaurius
Planet: Jupiter
Triplicities: Light, Fire
Opposite: Love
Shared Piece/Triplicity opposites: Darkness, Earth
Complimant: Chaos
Compliment Opposite: Tranquility
Directional (as marked out when drawing a woven 12 point star): right-Air, left-Time
Directional Opposite (Neighbors/sit on either side of the Counselor): right-Space, left-Water

Element core: Space
Base element: Air
Color: Midnight
Stones: Meteorite, Lapis Lazuli
Zodiac: Aquarius
Planet: Saturn, Uranus
Triplicities: Air, Chaos
Opposite: Time
Shared Piece/Triplicity opposites: Tranquility, Water
Complimant: Light
Compliment Opposite: Darkness
Directional (as marked out when drawing a woven 12 point star): right-Love, left-Fire
Directional Opposite (Neighbors/sit on either side of the Counselor): right-Earth, left-Hate

Element core: Time
Base element: Water
Color: Purple
Stones: Fossil, Amber
Zodiac: Scorpio
Planet: Mars, Pluto
Triplicities: Water, Tranquility
Opposite: Space
Shared Piece/Triplicity opposites: Air, Chaos
Complimant: Darkness
Compliment Opposite: Light
Directional (as marked out when drawing a woven 12 point star): right-Hate, left-Earth
Directional Opposite (Neighbors/sit on either side of the Counselor): right-Fire, left-Love

Element core: Light
Base element: Fire
Color: White
Stones: Quartzite (snowy quartz), Howlite
Zodiac: Leo
Planet: Sun
Triplicities: Fire, Hate
Opposite: Darkness
Shared Piece/Triplicity opposites: Earth, Love
Complimant: Space
Compliment Opposite: Time
Directional (as marked out when drawing a woven 12 point star): right-Chaos, left-Water
Directional Opposite (Neighbors/sit on either side of the Counselor): right-Air, left-Tranquility

Element core: Darkness
Base element: Earth
Color: Black
Stones: Obsidian, Onyx
Zodiac: Tuarus
Planet: Venus
Triplicities: Earth, Love
Opposite: Light
Shared Piece/Triplicity opposites: Hate, Fire
Complimant: Time
Compliment Opposite: Space
Directional (as marked out when drawing a woven 12 point star): right-Tranquility, left-Air
Directional Opposite (Neighbors/sit on either side of the Counselor): right-Water, left-Chaos

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