Tuesday, September 13, 2011

201: Simple Banishings

Be certain that the entity you've discovered is truly deserving of a banishing. Bad intentions can be enough, but trying to convince it to leave of its own accord is always a better option.

Research strong, protective deities that you feel a connection with, and get to know them. Choose one to call on, or maybe two if they're compatible.

Choose herbs that are protective and/or cleansing. Sage, thyme, garlic, black pepper, salt, and apples are recommended. Research the meaning behind any herbs you choose so that you can pour the right motivation and energy into the herbs.

Plan your verbal assault. Choose words that feel strong to you, and that are easy for you to say in a potentially stressful situation. Call upon your chosen deity (or deities) and be sure to demand your wishes. Throw your intention into your speech. For example, "Begone, and never mess with me again in the name of (deity/ies name/s)."

Wait for the demon to be present. Point or cast your chosen herb(s) at it and recite your speech with strength and certainty. Do not back off.

Smudging is the art of purifying an area of evil spirits by burning certain herbs. Sage smells beautiful and is often used in native American traditions.
Feel free to use aspects of your religion to strengthen your exorcism, such as pentacles and chants.
If you feel it's appropriate, learn shielding techniques and other defensive energy work.

One method that has been extremely successful in the past years in the Omni, is the Crystal Binding methods, which was discussed in previous articles, and works in the same way, except you trap the being in the crystal and bury it far away from you. We've used several types of quarts and obsidian, both having great results with it.

Remember, the more powerful the entity, the more energy you must use to send it away. If you feel you do not have adequate power to send it off, you can choose to work in a group or invoke more powerful beings. Sometimes gate work and bindings are needed to be sure it stays away.

201: Advanced Astral Projection

A fantastic book to read is Astral Dynamics, by Robert Bruce. But this is a pretty good article to get your hands on.

1. Fundamental knowledge of the basics steps Beginner's Guide. All steps must be understood.

2. Core understanding of the fundamental truths of astral projection The Fundamental Truths to Astral Projection

3. Have overcome a majority of fears associated with projection, such as startling noises, disturbing sights and odd sensations, or at least possess the ability to control most of these fears as they arise. This to me is a never ending struggle because there are an endless source of energies in the astral, each one bringing forth a different response from us (usually fear).

4. Several projections achieved so that a person can practice what they've learned. Everyone knows you can read until you're blue in the face on how to do something, but until you've done it a few times, it just doesn't sink in (imagine a pilot flying for the first time with nothing but written theory under his belt). It is impossible for you to know what it feels like to consciously exist in astral form (and all the laws governing) until you've done it! People say, "Oh, I won't be afraid.... I won't get distracted..." but they do become afraid and distracted almost every time in the beginning because there is nothing to prepare you in the physical for this experience. Even reading about someone else's experiences won't prepare you sufficiently because each astral experience is unique.

Once you leave the proximity of the physical body, the key to an advanced projection is:

- A Plan: Advanced projectors know that not having a plan will result in a huge waste of effort. And it wouldn't hurt to have a second and third goal for projection in case you are able to accomplish the first in one session. For example, after I went to the moon, my body had yet to pull me back and once my goal was accomplished I did a "now what!?" Even for advanced projector's, the ability to project is sporadic (unless they have a naturally loose hold over their astral body) and each excursion is to be relished. A plan might include any number of goals (meet a guide, see an event in history or future- like the building of the Pyramids, healing, visiting acquaintances, etc.) Have at least three!

- Focus: Too many times a beginner will fall into the Alice in Wonderland trip and slip into the dream body. When projecting, focus is needed to keep your consciousness sharp on your goal. The strangest things (astral entities or astral counterparts to physical objects--regardless of their presence in current time) may show up in front of you and you can get sidetracked faster than anything! A case in point: I projected once and found a cute kitten on my stairs and let myself get distracted, and then was unnerved by a spider's web I saw a few moments later (both fear and lack of focus taking control of the experience resulting in a total waste towards my primary goal). Another very common distraction is the ever present astral entity desiring sexual contact. Many times people will find themselves in the embrace of a stranger. Morals are not the same in the astral for obvious reasons and unless this is one of your goals, beware. Also, when things start to get fuzzy from your consciousness slipping into unconsciousness, or the dream body, you can use excellent statements such as "Clarity Now!" to clear things up.

- Use of Will: This can be used in conjunction with Focus. The Will is needed to get you where you want. When you become advanced, you WILL yourself to your destination. You no longer take familiar physical routes, but use intense desire/will to get you to your destination instantaneously. This is particularly helpful if you don't have a firm point in space/time for where you want to go (past, future, non-earth locations). An example of Will was when I won the daily lottery. It took me five attempts in one morning to succeed! My success was when I really WILLED for the numbers. It wasn't until I expelled a great amount of force that they popped up. Passive desire may not be enough (but sometimes it is). Dr. Douglas M. Baker states in his article, "The Techniques of Astral Projection" states that for advanced astral projection "the desire factor is present and strong but is overshadowed by the will. A powerful will is required to project the astral form over great distances."

- Knowledge: Before you can do advanced things like healing, you need to further your field of study into chakras, energies, karma and how each one works. For example, someone may be suffering an ailment to learn a specific life lesson or because of a karmic tie. Before healing anyone, you should consult with their higher self and ask if you should even be doing it. You can't heal until you know what polluted energies look like (what color they are and why).

To be an advanced projector, one must really master the non-physical self.

201: Astral Projection ideas & correspondences

Astral projection is simply mental/spiritual travel out of the body to any place on the astral plane; the realm of dreams and spirits etc. It's as easy as daydreaming, but full transfer of consciousness to the point where the experience is more real than normal waking reality takes practice.

The most basic methods for projecting involve closing the eyes, getting into a deeply relaxed state via meditation, and 'believing' that you are in a place. Try to feel that you are actually in a different place from where your body is located. It can be across the room even. Touch the walls with your mental 'body' (just as you would have in a dream), and try to feel them as real.

Believe you are in a place, and you will be there.

Early attempts at projection are often like controlled daydreams, but with practice they become more real and vivid, and contact with the physical realm can even be made and information brought back with accuracy. The biggest problem most people have is that they think there will always be an immediate conscious separation of the body/mind that they will be able to witness right away. When learning to project, try not to pay any attention to your body or the act of separation. Usually, consciousness of the body is never fully lost (you just ignore the body in favor of the vision), and the transfer of consciousness over to the 'vision' or astral landscape is most easily accomplished by allowing it to occur gradually; the more you practice 'seeing' with your mind and traveling with your mind, the more you'll be able to focus your attention on the astral plane, and transfer of consciousness will be gradual and almost unnoticed. This is the easiest way to project. (Note: some people refer to this method as projection of the mental body - projection of the astral/etheric body is far more intense in feeling/perception but some people do it more gradually, whereas others learn to do it instantly. It doesn't matter how you get there so long as you eventually do.) Some people can and do experience a definite separation that occurs everytime, but that is a different method of projecting I won't go into here (Edain McCoy refers to it in her book as chakra projection). The end results of projection are essentially the same, however.

What does a true projection feel like? In the later stages of projecting when you are becoming skilled at it, a full projection usually feels and appears to be even more REAL than regular physical reality. Colors and sounds are far more vivid, and sight is broader in scope (not limited by eyes). In some ways it is like being awake and super-conscious in a dream, but more vivid and real than any normal dream you've ever had.

Astral Work Correspondences
Herbs---Sandalwood, bezoin, hazel, lavender, valerian, mugwort, jasmine, thyme
Stones---Amethyst, moonstone, peridot, labradorite, carnelian
Colour--- Purple, white
Day of the Week--- Monday
Element--- Water

201: Astral Projection ideas & correspondences

Astral projection is simply mental/spiritual travel out of the body to any place on the astral plane; the realm of dreams and spirits etc. It's as easy as daydreaming, but full transfer of consciousness to the point where the experience is more real than normal waking reality takes practice.

The most basic methods for projecting involve closing the eyes, getting into a deeply relaxed state via meditation, and 'believing' that you are in a place. Try to feel that you are actually in a different place from where your body is located. It can be across the room even. Touch the walls with your mental 'body' (just as you would have in a dream), and try to feel them as real.

Believe you are in a place, and you will be there.

Early attempts at projection are often like controlled daydreams, but with practice they become more real and vivid, and contact with the physical realm can even be made and information brought back with accuracy. The biggest problem most people have is that they think there will always be an immediate conscious separation of the body/mind that they will be able to witness right away. When learning to project, try not to pay any attention to your body or the act of separation. Usually, consciousness of the body is never fully lost (you just ignore the body in favor of the vision), and the transfer of consciousness over to the 'vision' or astral landscape is most easily accomplished by allowing it to occur gradually; the more you practice 'seeing' with your mind and traveling with your mind, the more you'll be able to focus your attention on the astral plane, and transfer of consciousness will be gradual and almost unnoticed. This is the easiest way to project. (Note: some people refer to this method as projection of the mental body - projection of the astral/etheric body is far more intense in feeling/perception but some people do it more gradually, whereas others learn to do it instantly. It doesn't matter how you get there so long as you eventually do.) Some people can and do experience a definite separation that occurs everytime, but that is a different method of projecting I won't go into here (Edain McCoy refers to it in her book as chakra projection). The end results of projection are essentially the same, however.

What does a true projection feel like? In the later stages of projecting when you are becoming skilled at it, a full projection usually feels and appears to be even more REAL than regular physical reality. Colors and sounds are far more vivid, and sight is broader in scope (not limited by eyes). In some ways it is like being awake and super-conscious in a dream, but more vivid and real than any normal dream you've ever had.

Astral Work Correspondences
Herbs---Sandalwood, bezoin, hazel, lavender, valerian, mugwort, jasmine, thyme
Stones---Amethyst, moonstone, peridot, labradorite, carnelian
Colour--- Purple, white
Day of the Week--- Monday
Element--- Water

201: AP Mistakes

If you feel like you've been trying to project for a long time and seem to be getting nowhere, you may need to review your techniques and adjust accordingly.

The following are what I see as the most common mistakes people make while trying to learn to astral project. While these really aren't "mistakes" because they work for some people, they do seem to slow progress down.

1. Trying at night. If you try to project at night, especially before you go to bed, nine times out of ten, you will fall asleep. You've had a long day, your body is worn out, so how can you expect to achieve Focus 10 or Focus 12 (body asleep, mind awake)? You need to either try earlier in the afternoon, or switch to weekends when you can sleep in. If you switch to the weekends and use, for example, my technique that I wrote about under the Astral Projection link called "My Favorite Technique" then you're very relaxed and can slip back into sleep, yet the mind is refreshed and more likely to get into Focus 10. Try it and see.

2. Fear. Are you afraid you are going to die? That someone will cut your cord? You'll be possessed? Any of these fears will keep you thinking about this, and not letting yourself project. Always address your fears before expecting any results.

3. Inner dialog. Are you talking the whole time? Saying things like, "Is this right?" or "I wonder if I'm close?" To induce the vibrations, you have to have no thoughts. Your thoughts need to be narrowed down to a single thread. When you are trying to get your body asleep, stop talking to yourself and "listen". Listen to the faint ring in your head, but don't analyze it. Listen, but don't talk. When I induce the vibrations, my body has fallen asleep, the ringing has faded (because now I'm asleep), and I'm gently focusing on my third eye. All my thoughts are gone. This takes a while to master, but is necessary. Also, if you do slip off onto other thoughts, just let that happen, but gently pull your thoughts back to the single thread and keep focusing on your third eye.

4. Not understanding relaxation vs. body asleep. I get mails all the time from people saying that they are trying to astral project with their eyes open! To leave your body, you have to reduce the magnetic pull to the point that separation can occur. All things electrical create a magnetic pull. Even thinking sends out electronic pulses and creates magnetism. Pulse and heart rate also creates energy. Do not confuse "relaxation" with Focus 10. Focus 10 is Body Asleep. You have to learn how to fall asleep physically, but keep your consciousness from slipping into a dream. When the body falls asleep, everything slows down which reduces your bodies magnetic pull. Then, if you can master the "no thought" part, the vibrations will rush in. And when they do, you still have to keep your thoughts to a minimum because the excitement will increase the heart and pulse rate and then you'll be sending me mails saying that you can only raise your astral arms or legs! Most of the primary chakras are in the head and torso region which is why your head is the last to separate. So excited thoughts only make it harder. As my guide told me, "Get out of your head!" To tell if your body is asleep, you should no longer feel it, shouldn't be able to hear, and hypnogogic imagery will start appearing. Don't fight the images, just don't let them take over or you'll start to dream. Always gently bring your consciousness back to the project at hand.

5. Impatience. Conscious astral projection can take months or even years to accomplish. If you are expecting results in days or weeks, you will more than likely give up or doubt its existence. Astral projection takes discipline, dedication, and a ton of patience. It will happen, but be prepared for the long haul. It's worth the wait and effort.

These five are the top reasons, but others can include not removing distractions (kids, pets, phones, spouses), or not getting enough sleep so that when you do sleep you sleep like a log and can't keep the mind awake.

If you want more info on the "fundamental truths" to astral projection, read the article called, "The Fundamental Truths to Astral Projection

201: Astral Proj tips

Astral projection is also referred to as an out-of-the-body experience and it literally means the same. It is the state when the person is out of his body and goes through out-of-the-world experiences. Here are some free astral projection for beginners tips.
What is Astral Projection?

In the beginning, science did not believe in the phenomena of spirits or anything supernatural. However, in the past few decades, scientists have conducted experiments involving spirits and the outcomes have obliged them to conclude that 'supernatural' indeed exists. There are theories about dreams wherein people say that what you dream is actually what your soul experiences in another world, the ‘dream world’. In fact, many are convinced, to a certain extent, of this theory themselves since they have dreamed and seen heavenly places. They describe it like, ‘nothing was fictitious about those places’, but still they would somehow call the places out-of-the-world. They recall that after seeing these dreams, they felt completely rejuvenated and refreshed.

There have been times when people have felt that they are watching their body from outside it. Though these moments lasted just for a few seconds, they were enough to compel them to believe that there is indeed something supernatural in each and every human being. Those who can arise it, can use the powers to do many other abnormal (in the regular sense) things. Science also claims that the power of the human brain is infinite and that all humans utilize only 10% of their brains. The rest 90% is resting which is also called as our sub-conscious mind. The ones who can use anything more than 10% can achieve many impossible things.

The Egyptians would mummify the dead bodies and bury them with food and water with the belief that the spirits/ghosts of the dead would require the material in their afterlife. Well, astral projection is something like afterlife, the major difference being that in astral projection you can travel the astral plane while you are still alive unlike afterlife, when it is believed that the spirit travels the astral plane after death. The astral plane is said to be a plane of existence that every soul passes before birth and after death. It is an imaginary, intermediate place that some believe, exists between the heaven and the earth that is said to be inhabited by angels, demons and other immaterial existences. Some people who have had near-death experiences, especially during accidents, have reported this weird feeling of watching the accident happening from a distance i.e. from outside their own body. People have also reported to have astral projected when their mind and body were extremely stressed or even under the influence of drugs. Although, such citings are not strictly said to be astral projection experiences.

While most have had such experiences in extreme conditions, there are those few who practice astral projection as an art. Some of us, especially who are acrophobic i.e. those who have a fear of heights, dream about falling from a tall cliff and as we keep falling eventually we feel that we have separated from our body and watching ourselves fall down in to nothingness, that’s when we wake up with a start. Some state that this could also be an astral projection experience. By now, it is clear that during an astral projection the state of the mind is something other than normal. So, to induce an astral projection the mind state has to be changed to those levels. This is mostly done through meditation and other advanced astral projection techniques.

Tips for Astral Projection for Beginners

People practicing astral projection can leave their physical body and make their astral body travel anyplace, at anytime by controlling the state of the mind and falling into 'half-sleep'. The whole time you are astral projecting, it is necessary that you should be able to maintain this state.

For this purpose, a beginner is usually suggested to do breathing exercises and listen to soothing music that may help him to get control over his mind. Relaxation of the mind and body at the same time is very important for astral projection. Any overwhelming feelings should be kept under control, especially when you are beginning the experience newly. Any kind of distraction or negative thoughts should be kept at bay when astral projecting. External disturbances should be none. You should strongly desire what you want and should be well motivated so that you can achieve it as soon as possible.

To get an experience of astral projection for beginners, it is suggested that you can try staring at a spot on the back of the head. Your focus needs to be intense and you cannot afford to get distracted. The intense focus helps you to change the state of your consciousness and you may experience astral projection for fraction of seconds. Those who have some experience of meditation can try to focus with closed eyes and try to see a particular thing. You have to clear your head and think intently about that one thing however, try not to imagine about the object or experience hallucination, as this may prove to be a false astral projection.

Astral projection is gaining popularity in modern days and many desire to learn astral projection art. While some claim it to be fiction, the ones who practice and have gone through it believe that astral projection for beginners show them that there is more to it than meets the eye.